Monday, April 21, 2014



Ants Problem:
Ants hate Cucumbers. "KEEP the skin of Cucumbers near the
Place where they are or at Ant Hole.

To Get Pure & Clean Ice :
"Boil Water first before placing in the Freezer"

To make the Mirror Shine:
"Clean with Sprite"

To remove Chewing Gum from Clothes:
"Keep the Cloth in the Freezer for One Hour"

To Whiten White Clothes:
"Soak White Clothes in hot water with a Slice of Lemon for 10 Minutes"

To give a Shine to your Hair:
"Add one Teaspoon of Vinegar to Hair, then wash Hair"

To get maximum Juice out of Lemons:
"Soak Lemons in Hot Water for One Hour, and then juice them"

To avoid smell of Cabbage while cooking:
"Keep a piece of Bread on the Cabbage in the Vessel while cooking"

To avoid Tears while cutting Onions
"Chew Gum"

To boil Potatoes quickly:
"Skin one Potato from one side only before boiling"

To remove Ink from Clothes:
"Put Toothpaste on the Ink Spots generously and let it dry completely, then wash"

To skin Sweet Potatoes quickly :
"Soak in Cold Water immediately after boiling"

To get rid of Mice or Rats:
"Sprinkle Black Pepper in places where you find Mice & Rats. They will run away"

Take Water Before Bedtime..
"About 90% of Heart Attacks occur Early in the Morning & it can
be reduced if one takes a Glass or two of Water before going
to bed at Night"

We Know Water is important but never knew about the Special Times one has to drink it.. !!
Did you ???
Drinking Water at the Right Time Maximizes its effectiveness on the
Human Body;
1 Glass of Water after waking up - helps to activate internal
1 Glass of Water 30 Minutes before a Meal - helps digestion..
1 Glass of Water before taking a Bath - helps lower your blood
1 Glass of Water before going to Bed - avoids Stroke or Heart
Chinese Proverb Says:
'When someone shares something of value with you and
you benefit from it, You have a moral obligation to share it
with others too.'

Right Way of drinking water

As per Ayurveda, drinking water at the end of a meal is akin to drinking poison. It kills the Jathaaragni (that aspect of prana or energy which enables the body to digest food) thereby making the food rot inside the system instead of getting digested. This in turn leads to excess acid and gas being produced in the system and a very vicious cycle starts. 

1.The minimum gap between food and water should be between 1.5 to 2.5 hrs. This also varies based on geographic and other conditions and the duration is higher in the mountains and lower in plains and hot areas. This is because the body’s ability to digest food varies with the ambient conditions.

2.Water drunk before food should be drunk at least 40 minutes before eating food.

3.To clean the mouth and throat after food only one or two sips of warm/gunguna water can be taken.

4.If really thirsty, one can have fresh juice of seasonal fruits after morning meal and buttermilk/chhaas after lunch. Milk can be had after dinner. Though these also contain mostly water, the properties are completely different and they actually help digestion and the body instead of hurting it.

5.Always drink water sip by sip like one drinks hot tea.

6.Drink water first thing in the morning. It is to be consumed warm at body temp and should be sipped like hot tea so that max possible saliva goes into the stomach. Only if you are drinking water kept in a copper pot it need not be warmed up as it already has same quality as warm water. Mud pot water is also to be warmed up. Below 18 and above 60 years of age should drink only 1.5 to 2 glasses while others should drink upto 1.25 ltrs. i.e. min 3 glasses. This is the only water one should drink without feeling thirsty. Sips should be smallest. Try this for 6 months and see the changes in health. You will feel fresher and lighter, and will see improvements in sleep, digestion, pains, heart.

7.In case you are regularly taking in water kept in copper pot then you should stop for a couple of weeks after 3 months of continuous usage.

8.Never drink cold water. It should always be Warm/gunguna or at body temp. Drinking cold water leads to decrease in blood supply to various organs. Over a period of time this leads to the weakening and hence failure of various organs and causes probs like heart attack, kidney failure, brain hemorrhage etc. Drinking chilled water leads to severe constipation. Large intestine shrinks causing various other complications. This is applicable to other cold foods as well.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

16 Amazing Home Remedies for Unwanted Hair Removal

16 Amazing Home Remedies for Unwanted Hair Removal

Unwanted hair is a cause of embarrassment for many. While you need to get rid of unwanted hair at hidden places like armpits for hygienic purposes and to get rid of body odor, the hair on your face, hands, legs etc. does not pose any risk to your health. But yes, these unwanted hair can be removed so that you feel confident enough to face people. Clean and clear skin is a dream of everyone and you are no exception. So, if you have decided to get rid of your unwanted hair and are researching about various techniques like laser, electrolysis, permanent waxing etc. you must try certain home remedies for hair removal for some days. You may succeed in saving a lots of money and getting rid of unwanted hair removal in an easy and cheap way.

Home Remedies for Unwanted Hair Removal

1. Raw Papaya Remedy for Unwanted Hair Removal

Papain is one of the active enzymes in papaya. It is capable of breaking down hair follicle and prohibit the growth of hair. Not only this makes your fine hair less noticeable but it also naturally exfoliate your skin to give it an inproved texture. Papaya is most suitable for sensitive skin. Thus, use raw papaya in one of these two ways to get rid of your unwanted hair permanently.
1st way of using raw papaya for unwanted hair removal
Get this:
• Raw papaya paste- 1-2 tablespoons
• Turmeric powder- ½ tsp
Do this:
• Make papaya paste by peeling and grinding raw papaya pieces.
• Mix turmeric powder with this raw papaya paste.
• Massage your face with this paste for about 15 minutes.
• Wash off with water.
• Do this once or twice a week.
2nd way of using raw papaya for unwanted hair removal
Get this:
• Papaya powder- ¼ tablespoon OR Papaya paste- 1 tablespoon
• Turmeric powder- ¼ tablespoon
• Gram flour- ¼ tablespoon
• Aloe vera gel- 4 tablespoons
• Mustard oil- 2 tablespoons
• Essential oil (optional- lavender or any other)- 2 drops
Do this:
• Combine all the ingredients and mix well to get a thick paste.
• Apply this paste to your body part in opposite direction of hair growth.
• Leave it for 15-20 minutes or till it dries off.
• Take a clean cloth and rub in the opposite direction of hair growth.
• When all of the paste has been removed in this way, wash off with water and pat dry.
• Take a few drops of olive oil, moisturizer or baby oil and massage the skin with this.
• Repeat this thrice a week and continue for at least 3 months.

2. Turmeric for Unwanted Hair Removal

Turmeric has been used for ages in India for healthy clean glowing skin. This is because along with its antibacterial and anti inflammatory properties, turmeric also has this quality of preventing hair growth. While turmeric is used with many ingredients to remove unwanted hair, this is a simple remedy where turmeric can just be used with water or milk.
Get this:
• Turmeric- 1-2 tsp (or enough to cover your body area with hair)
• Water or milk- enough to make paste.
Do this:
• Soak turmeric powder in water or milk to make a paste which is not too tight but which can stay on your face.
• Apply this to your face.
• Leave for 15-20 minutes or till it dries up.
• Wash off with warm water.
However, this remedy is for those who have very little hair on face or other body parts. If you have denser hair, turmeric has to be used with some other ingredients like gram flour, rice flour or ground oats along with milk.

3. Chickpea Flour Mask for Unwanted Hair Removal

Chickpea flour, also known as gramflour and garbanzo beans flour, has been used traditionally in the Indian subcontinent for removing and preventing growth of unwanted body hair. Mothers use gramflour mixed with turmeric and water or milk on small babies’ face, hands and legs so that their skin remains soft, clean and hair free. You may also try this remedy for removing your unwanted hair.
Get this:
• Chickpea flour- ½ bowl
• Milk- ½ bowl
• Turmeric powder- 1 tsp
• Fresh cream- 1 tsp (omit this if you have oily skin)
Do this:
• Take the chickpea flour in a bowl.
• Add turmeric, milk and fresh cream to this and mix well to make a smooth paste.
• Apply this paste on your face in the direction of your hair growth.
• Ensure you have all your hair covered.
• Leave it for about half an hour.
• After 30 minutes, start rubbing the flour mask with gentle hand in the opposite direction of your hair growth.
• If the paste has dried a lot, you may wet your fingers a little to rub your face.
• Afterwards, wash off your face with lukewarm water.

4. Sugar-Lemon Mix to Remove Unwanted Hair on Face

When you mix sugar with water, it acts as an excellent exfoliate due to its granular texture. Lemon juice in this mixture acts as an astringent. Lemon juice is also a natural bleach which lightens the color of your facial hair.
Get this:
• Sugar- 2 tablespoons
• Fresh lemon juice- 2 teaspoons
• Water- 10 tablespoons
Do this:
• Mix sugar, lemon juice and water.
• Sugar will dissolve, though not fully, in the water. There will be granular effect of sugar.
• Apply this to your face in the direction of hair growth.
• Leave for 15-20 minutes.
• Wash off with water while rubbing gently.
• Do this twice or thrice a week. After few weeks, you will see noticeable reduction in hair on your face.

5. Sugar-Lemon-Honey Mix to Remove Unwanted Hair on Arms, Legs

While sugar and lemon juice mixed with water can act as a good remedy for facial hair, the same sugar and lemon juice when mixed with honey can act as a good homemade wax like ingredient to remove unwanted hair from your other body parts like arms and legs. However, this can be a little painful process just like waxing done in a parlor because sugar mixed with honey acts as a sticky paste that is used to pluck the hair.
Get this:
• Sugar- 1 tablespoon
• Honey- 1 tsp
• Lemon juice- 1 tsp
• Cornstarch or plain flour – 1-2 tsp
• Strip of cloth OR Waxing strip
• Vessel (to heat)- 1
• Waxing spatula or a butter knife
• Water (optional)- if needed to make the paste a little thinner
Do this:
• Add honey and lemon juice with sugar and put them in the vessel.
• Heat the mixture to get a smooth paste. You may also use microwave oven for the purpose. If using microwave, heat it for about 3 minutes.
• If you see that the paste is getting too thick, use a little water too.
• Now let the mixture cool down to a temperature where it is still a little warm.
• Dust your body part having unwanted hair with some cornstarch or plain flour.
• Using the waxing spatula or butter knife, spread a thin layer of this warm mixture on your body part. Do this in the direction of the hair growth.
• Now immediately, cover the area with the cloth strip or waxing strip, press to stick it to the paste and pull in the opposite direction of the hair growth.
This is a painful process to remove unwanted hair but is a natural one. If you want painless remedy, use chickpea flour remedy for removing hair, given earlier in this article.

6. Egg Mask for Removal of Unwanted Facial Hair

When it comes to stickiness, egg white is no less then sugar-honey. Egg white too dries off and sticks to your face and when you pull it, this mask will come up with hair on your face.
Get this:
• Egg white- of 1 egg
• Sugar- 1 tablespoon
• Cornflour- ½ tablespoon
Do this:
• Add sugar and cornflour with egg white.
• Beat till you get a smooth paste.
• Apply this egg mask to your face and let it dry.
• Once dried, it will become a thin mask attached to your face.
• Pull this egg mask with firm hand so that the hair too comes off with it. Watch though, pulling firmly doesn’t mean hurting yourself!

7. White Pepper- Camphor for Unwanted Hair Removal from Legs

As pepper and camphor both are strong and may have a burning sensation when applied on sensitive skin, this remedy is strictly for removing hair from legs. Some people recommend kerosene oil to be mixed with this mixture of camphor and pepper but it is a total no-no for at least two reasons. One, kerosene is highly inflammable and you may accidentally catch fire even form a little spark! Second, kerosene can damage your skin beyond repair! If you need, you can use almond oil but that’s totally optional.
Get this:
• White pepper- 2 tablespoons
• Camphor- 2 tablespoons
• Almond oil- few drops
Do this:
• Grind the white pepper to get its fine powder.
• Mix the ground white pepper with camphor.
• Add almond oil and mix well.
• Apply this paste on legs.
• Leave for 10-15 minutes.
• Wash off the paste.
• If you try to see carefully, your hair on legs will fall off with the paste.

8. Potato-Lentil Ayurvedic Remedy for Unwanted Hair Removal

Potato is a natural bleaching agent. When mixed with yellow lentil or moong daal as it is called in India, potato juice not only makes your hair light in color but also works with dried lentil paste in pulling hair off face. This is a natural Ayurvedic way of removing unwanted hair from face, legs and hands.
Get this:
• Potato (peeled and crushed)- 1 bowl
• Yellow lentil – 1 bowl
• Honey- 1 tbsp
• Lemon juice- 4 tbsp
• 1 sieve or thin cloth to filter juice
Do this:
• Soak the yellow lentil in water overnight.
• In the morning, ground the lentil to get its paste.
• Take the peeled and crushed potatoes and place onto the sieve. Press with hands or a spoon to extract its juice. You can also use a cloth to extract potato juice.
• Add honey, lemon, and potato juice to yellow lentil paste and mix well.
• Apply this paste on face, hands, and legs, wherever you want your hair to go away.
• Leave it for 15-20 minutes or till the time it dries off.
• Once it dries, remove the paste by rubbing it with fingers. The dry lentil paste will pull off the hair with it.

9. Banana- Oatmeal Scrub for Unwanted Hair Removal

If your skin is dry, banana is one of the best ingredients that can be used for removing hair for you. Banana leaves your skin soft and supple. But just banana is not enough for removing hair. You need to mix it with something which is a little rough on skin to exfoliate it. However, this roughness should not harm your delicate skin. Oatmeal is the perfect thing to use then. It is also a great natural cleanser for skin.
Get this:
• Ripe banana- 1
• Oatmeal- 1-2 tsp
Do this:
• Mash the banana.
• Add oatmeal to it.
• Apply this paste to face rubbing in circular motion.
• Do this for about 15 minutes.
• Wash off with water.
• Repeat this twice a week.

10. Sugar-Molasses Homemade Wax for Unwanted Hair Removal

You have seen earlier that sugar combined with lemon and honey can be used to make a depilatory wax for removing unwanted hair. Sugar can also be used with molasses or dark corn syrup for the same purpose.
Get this:
• Sugar- 1 cup
• Molasses OR Dark corn syrup – enough to top the sugar.
• Lemon juice- from half a lemon
Do this:
• Place sugar in a microwave safe bowl or a vessel.
• Top this with a drizzle of molasses or dark corn syrup, whatever you are using.
• Let it sit for a couple of minutes.
• Microwave for 2-3 minutes or heat it up to dissolve the sugar.
• Now add the lemon juice to the mixture. Stir well.
• If you see the mixture needs to blend more, microwave or heat for another 2-3 minutes.
• Let it cool for sometime. However, it should be warm and not cold before you apply this to your hair for removing.
• Apply the warm mixture to your hair on hands and legs. Use a strip of cloth or waxing strip to pull off the hair.

11. Alum-Rosewater Remedy for Removing Unwanted Hair

Here is something which is traditionally used by the women of India and Pakistan to resolve the menace of unwanted hair. This is alum and rosewater. Alum can be found as a rock of alum or in powdered form. This remedy uses alum powder. You can even ground rock alum to get this powder.
Get this:
• Alum powder- ½ tsp
• Rose water- 2-3 tablespoon
• Cotton ball
• Olive oil or sesame oil- few drops
Do this:
• Add rosewater to alum powder
• With the help of a spoon, dissolve the powder into the rosewater, as much as you can.
• Now take the cotton ball and dip it in this water.
• Apply this rosewater mixed with alum powder on the body parts with unwanted hair.
• Let it sit there and when it dries off, apply again.
• Repeat this for about 50-60 minutes. However, if your skin is sensitive, don’t do it more than 15 minutes.
• Wash off and dab some olive oil or sesame oil to moisturize the area.
• Repeat this 2-4 times a week.

12. Basil-Onion Paste for Unwanted Hair Removal

Did you know that onion not only makes your dishes tasty but also can remove your unwanted hair when applied with basil leaves! However, you need to do a little exercise and find out the thin transparent membranes that lie between the layers of onion.
Get this:
• Basil leaves- 10-12
• Onions- 2
Do this:
• Take out the thin transparent membranes from between the onion layers.
• Now crush the basil leaves along with the onion membranes to get a paste.
• Apply this paste on your unwanted hair.
• Leave for 15-20 minutes.
• Wash off with water.
• Repeat this 3-4 times a week for a month or two to remove your unwanted hair.

13. Thanaka- Safflower Remedy for Unwanted Hair Removal

Thanaka is a tree whose bark is converted into a powder and used in Myanmar for cosmetic purposes. Thanaka powder is yellowish white in color and when mixed with safflower oil, you can hope to get rid of your unwanted hair permanently.
Get this:
• Thanaka powder- enough to cover your hair ridden skin
• Safflower oil- enough to make paste
Do this:
• Mix safflower oil with thanaka powder to get a paste.
• Apply this to your unwanted hair at night before going to bed.
• Leave it overnight.
• Wash off with water in the morning.
• Use regularly for about 3 months to get results.

14. Have Spearmint Tea to Prevent Unwanted Hair Growth

Appearance of unwanted hair may be, sometimes, a result of excessive production of the hormone androgen. This is called ‘Hirsutism,’ which refers to having excessive hair on the face, especially in women. It is the result of hormonal imbalance which occurs due to increased level of androgens and testosterone, the male hormones, or because of over-sensitivity of hair follicles to androgens. Spearmint herb is known to regulate hormones. So, you may consider having spearmint tea to bring down your androgens to an optimum levels.
Get this:
• Fresh spearmint leaves- 5-6 OR Dried spearmint- 1 tsp
• Boiling water- 1 cup
Do this:
• Place spearmint leaves or the dried herb in a pot.
• Pour hot water over it.
• Cover and steep for 5 minutes.
• Strain and drink the tea.
• A cup or two of spearmint tea are enough.

15. Have Blackstrap Molasses to Prevent Growth of Unwanted Hair

If you are a woman with PCOS and unwanted hair on face, breast or stomach, you may consider having blackstrap molasses. Deficiency of certain minerals in women leads to some or the other kind of hair related problem. This means you may lose hair on the scalp or have unwanted hair on various body parts. Blackstrap molasses is high on iron and minerals that will help you do away with the lack of required minerals. This, in turn, means that the growth of hair at unwanted places will first slow down and gradually stop over time. Even if you don’t have PCOS, you may try having two heaped teaspoons of blackstrap molasses everyday to get rid of your unwanted hair.
Precaution: If you are diabetic or are having prescribed iron supplements, its better to talk to your doctor before you start having blackstrap molasses.

16. Have Foods Rich in Phytoestrogens for Unwanted Hair Removal

When male hormones androgens and testosterone increase in women, the female hormone oestrogen level may go down. This hormonal imbalance causes hair to grow where they should not. You can neutralize this effect by having such foods that are rich in phytoestrogen. Phytoestrogen is a plant hormone similar to human female hormone, oestrogen. Thus, foods high on phytoestrogen may help reduce unwanted hair growth.
List of foods rich in phytoestrogen
• Soy and soy products like tofu and soy milk.
• Flaxseed
• Fennel herb and seeds
• Alfalfa
• Licorice
• Gotu kala or Brahmi herb

Thus, include these foods in your daily menu. You may have herbal teas made of the above herbs like licorice, fennel and brahmi. You may use flaxseed powder by adding it to your gravies, yogurts etc. Chew fennel seeds after meals and have soy products frequently.
Just remember, any home remedy for hair removal takes time to show results. So, have patience while using these home remedies for unwanted hair removal.


Monday, March 3, 2014

Treatment for Burn's

Real interesting! Something i did not know, could come in handy..

A young man sprinkling his lawn and bushes with pesticides wanted to check the contents of the barrel to see how much pesticide remained in it. He raised the cover and lit his lighter; the vapors ignited and engulfed him He jumped from his truck, screaming.

His neighbor came out of her house with a dozen eggs and a bowl yelling: "bring me some more eggs!"

She broke them, separating the whites from the yolks.
The neighbor woman helped her to apply the whites onto the young man's face.

When the ambulance arrived and the EMTs saw the young man, they asked who had done this. Everyone pointed to the lady in charge.

They congratulated her and said: "You have saved his face."

By the end of the summer, the young man brought the lady a bouquet of roses to thank her. His face was like a baby's skin.
A Healing Miracle for Burns:

Keep in mind this treatment of burns is being included in teaching beginner fireman. First Aid consists of first spraying cold water on the affected area until the heat is reduced which stops the continued burning of all layers of the skin. Then, spread the egg whites onto the affected area.

One woman burned a large part of her hand with boiling water. In spite of the pain, she ran cold faucet water on her hand, separated 2 egg whites from the yolks, beat them slightly and dipped her hand in the solution. The whites then dried and formed a protective layer.

She later learned that the egg white is a natural collagen and continued during at least one hour to apply layer upon layer of beaten egg white. By afternoon she no longer felt any pain and the next day there was hardly a trace of the burn. 10 days later, no trace was left at all and her skin had regained its normal color. The burned area was totally regenerated thanks to the collagen in the egg whites, a placenta full of vitamins.

Since this information could be helpful to everyone: Please pass it on?

Friday, February 28, 2014



It is proved that a mixture of honey and cinnamon cures most of the diseases. Today’s science indicates the presence of that even though the honey is sweet, if taken in the right dose as a medicine does not harm the diabetic patients.

Arthritis (joint inflammation)

To treat the arthritis applies a combination of honey and cinnamon, one part of the honey divide it in two cups of lukewarm water and add a small teaspoon of cinnamon powder, make a paste and slowly massage the painful spots on the body. It is noticed that the pain reduces within a minute or two. The people with arthritis in the morning and in the evening can take one cup of hot water with two spoons of honey and one small teaspoon of cinnamon powder. If you drink it regularly, even a chronic arthritis can be cured.
honey cinnamon


People who frequently suffer from common colds should take a teaspoon of lukewarm honey with 1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon powder a day, for three days.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Here are 10 amazing home remedies with garlic:

Here are 10 amazing home remedies with garlic:

1. For ear pain: use two crushed garlic, boil, strain and apply a few drops warm.

2. To sleep: to sleep; eat salad with garlic at night.

3. Against warts and spots on the skin: Apply the garlic directly onto the skin to clear spots, especially those caused by acne. Its topical use also removes warts.

4. For rheumatism: Rub the peeled garlic over the sore and swollen joints. This choice leads to a rather anti-inflammatory action and reduces pain.

5. To lower blood pressure: People with high blood pressure can take a garlic clove fasting party. To avoid irritating the stomach lining, it is recommended chopping the garlic clove and swallows every bit as if they were pills. You can also prepare a syrup with two heads of peeled garlic. Must be mixed with sugar, and a glass of water. To lower the pressure should take 2 tablespoons a day.

6. To restore virility: Combine the garlic with wheat germ oil and cayenne. You can also rub garlic in the area of the lumbar spine.

7. Against pertussis: Spread garlic in the chest and back to soften the cough and relieve airway. To prevent flu and allergies, garlic mixed with honey and lemon.

8. For muscle aches: Eating garlic tones the muscles. Prepare a paste of a head of garlic and crushed rub it on the affected area. You can also compress and prepare a place for the entire night on the sore area.

9. Smoking cessation: Take a couple of raw garlic on an empty stomach, two with lemon juice before lunch and before dinner the other two.

10. Hair loss: You can prevent it by rubbing the scalp with a mix of 1 teaspoon of garlic juice, 8 oz. of rosemary tea, 1 tablespoon of honey and lemon juice.

Nursing women should avoid using garlic as it alters the taste of milk and produces pain in the stomach and intestines infant child. People who suffer from headaches should also avoid using garlic.


Do you know how important a food source the honey is, which Allah offers man by means of a tiny insect?

Honey is composed of sugars like glucose and fructose and minerals like magnesium, potassium, calcium, sodium chlorine, sulphur, iron and phosphate. It contains vitamins B1, B2, C, B6, B5 and B3 all of which change according to the qualities of the nectar and pollen. Besides the above, copper, iodine, and zinc exist in it in small quantities. Several kinds of hormones are also present in it.
As Allah says in the Qur'an, honey is a "healing for men" . This scientific fact was confirmed by scientists who assembled during the World Apiculture Conference held in China . During the conference, treatments with honey derivatives were discussed. American scientists in particular said that honey, royal jelly, pollen and propolis (bee resin) cure many diseases.

A Romanian doctor stated that he tried honey on cataract patients, and 2002 out of his 2094 patients recovered completely. Polish doctors also informed the conference that bee resin helps to cure many diseases such as haemorrhoids, skin problems, gynaecological diseases and many other disorders.

Nowadays, apiculture and bee products have opened a new branch for research in countries advanced in science. Other benefits of honey may be described as below:
Easily digested:
Because sugar molecules in honey can convert into other sugars (e.g. fructose to glucose), honey is easily digested by the most sensitive stomachs, despite its high acid content. It helps kidneys and intestines to function better.

Has a low calorie level:
Another quality of honey is that, when it is compared with the same amount of sugar, it gives 40% less calories to the body. Although it gives great energy to the body, it does not add weight.

Rapidly diffuses through the blood:
When accompanied by mild water, honey diffuses into the bloodstream in 7 minutes. Its free sugar molecules make the brain function better since the brain is the largest consumer of sugar.

Supports blood formation:
Honey provides an important part of the energy needed by the body for blood formation. In addition, it helps in cleansing the blood. It has some positive effects in regulating and facilitating blood circulation. It also functions as a protection against capillary problems and arteriosclerosis.

Does not accommodate bacteria:
This bactericide (bacteria-killing) property of honey is named "the inhibition effect". Experiments conducted on honey show that its bactericide properties increase twofold when diluted with water. It is very interesting to note that newly born bees in the colony are nourished with diluted honey by the bees responsible for their supervision - as if they know this feature of the honey.

Royal Jelly:
Royal jelly is a substance produced by worker bees inside the beehive. Inside this nutritious substance are sugar, proteins, fats and many vitamins. It is used in problems caused by tissue deficiency or body frailty.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Dandruff Solution

Dandruff  Solution

If you think that the chemical shampoos available in market would resolve your dandruff issue? never..its not possible. I would rather suggest you indigenous method of preparing antidandruf mix. Prepare Ginger juice (2 teaspoon), for preparing it, crush it in a mortal and pestle and obtain the juice. To it, add 3 teaspoon Sesame or Olive oil and 5-6 drops of Lemon juice. Massage it gentle on year head and leave it for 20-30 minutes. Rinse the hair later. This should be followed for 2-3 times a week. If you follow it,you are going to get the positive result.

Top 5 Home Remedies For Dark Underarms

Top 5 Home Remedies For Dark Underarms~

*Baking Soda is the most effective remedy for dark underarms, it lightens the skin of your underarms. Make a thick paste of baking soda by adding water in it. Scrub your underarms using this paste on regular basis.

* Make a paste by adding one teaspoon of lemon juice and cucumber juice to a pinch of turmeric powder. Apply it one the armpits and leave it for 30 minutes, then wash off with water.

*Take one teaspoon of milk, a pinch of turmeric powder, one teaspoon of gram flour, one teaspoon of curd, then mix it all and make it as a paste. Apply it on the underarms and leave it until it becomes dry, then wash off with the water.

*Potato is a great natural bleaching agent because of its acidic property. Take one thin slice of potato and use it to rub on the underarms or else take out the juice from potato, apply it on underarms and leave it for 10 minutes, then wash it with water.

*Coconut oil is another effective remedy of dark underarms. The Vitamin E present in the coconut oil help in lightening underarms. Massage your underarms with coconut oil for 10 to 15 minutes daily before taking a shower.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Physical Training we forget!!

நாà®®் மறந்த உடல் பயிà®±்ச்சி !!

à®®ுயற்சி செய்து பாà®°ுà®™்கள் பலன் கண்டிப்பாக தெà®°ியுà®®் !!

நண்பர்கள் கவனத்திà®±்கு...! 

உங்கள் உடல் உங்கள் கட்டுப்பாட்டில் இருக்கிறதா? இல்லையென்à®±ால் இருக்க வையுà®™்கள். 
வெà®±ுà®®் இரண்டே நிà®®ிடங்கள்... படத்திலிà®°ுக்குà®®் à®®ுà®±ை போல் உங்களின் கை à®®ூட்டு மற்à®±ுà®®் கால் விரல்கள் மட்டுà®®் தரையில் இருக்குà®®் படி செய்து கொள்ளுà®™்கள்.

இது யோகாசன à®®ுà®±ை போலதான். இப்படி à®’à®°ு இரண்டு நிà®®ிடங்கள் நின்à®±ால் போதுà®®் (à®’à®°ு நிà®®ிடம் தாண்டுவதற்குள் நாக்கு தள்ளி விடுà®®்). அப்படி நிà®±்க à®®ுடியவில்லை என்à®±ால் ஒவ்வொà®°ு நிà®®ிடங்களாக à®®ுயற்சி செய்யுà®™்கள்.

பின் இரண்டு நிà®®ிடங்கள் என்à®±ு à®®ூன்à®±ு à®®ுà®±ை செய்தால் போதுà®®்... நாளாக நாளாக நிà®®ிடங்களை அதிகரியுà®™்கள்... நேரத்தை வெகுவாக குà®±ைக்குà®®் பயிà®±்சி... இதன் பலனை இரண்டே வாà®°à®™்களில் நீà®™்கள் காணலாà®®்... குண்டானவர்களுக்கு மட்டுமல்ல à®®ெலிந்தவர்களுà®®், பெண்களுà®®் செய்யலாà®®்...

Here are Toll Free numbers in India

If you want to add more no comment on the post.

Indian Airlines - 1800 180 1407
Jet Airways - 1800 225 522
Spice Jet - 1800 180 3333
Air India - 1800 227 722
Kingfisher -1800 180 0101

ABN AMRO - 1800 112 224
Canara Bank - 1800 446 000
Citibank - 1800 442 265
Corporation Bank - 1800 443 555
Development Credit Bank - 1800
225 769
HDFC Bank - 1800 227 227
ICICI Bank - 1800 333 499
ICICI Bank NRI -1800 224 848
IDBI Bank -1800 116 999
Indian Bank -1800 425 1400
ING Vysya -1800 449 900
Kotak Mahindra Bank - 1800 226
Lord Krishna Bank -1800 112 300
Punjab National Bank - 1800 122
State Bank of India - 1800 441 955
Syndicate Bank - 1800 446 655

Mahindra Scorpio -1800 226 006
Maruti -1800 111 515
Tata Motors - 1800 255 52
Windshield Experts - 1800 113 636

Computers / IT
Adrenalin - 1800 444 445
AMD -1800 425 6664
Apple Computers-1800 444 683
Canon -1800 333 366
Cisco Systems- 1800 221 777
Compaq - HP -1800 444 999
Data One Broadband - 1800 424
Dell -1800 444 026
Epson - 1800 44 0011
eSys - 3970 0011
Genesis Tally Academy - 1800 444
HCL - 1800 180 8080
IBM - 1800 443 333
Lexmark - 1800 22 4477
Marshal's Point -1800 33 4488
Microsoft - 1800 111 100
Microsoft Virus Update - 1901 333
Seagate - 1800 180 1104
Symantec - 1800 44 5533
TVS Electronics-1800 444 566
WeP Peripherals-1800 44 6446
Wipro - 1800 333 312
Xerox - 1800 180 1225
Zenith - 1800 222 004

Indian Railways
General Enquiry 139
Central Enquiry 131
Reservation 139
Railway Reservation Enquiry 1345,
1335, 1330
Centralised Railway Enquiry 133, 1,
2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9
Couriers / Packers &

ABT Courier - 1800 448 585
AFL Wizz - 1800 229 696
Agarwal Packers & Movers - 1800
114 321
Associated Packers P Ltd - 1800 214
DHL - 1800 111 345
FedEx - 1800 226 161
Goel Packers & Movers - 1800 11
UPS - 1800 227 171

Home Appliances
Aiwa/Sony - 1800 111 188
Anchor Switches - 1800 227 7979
Blue Star - 1800 222 200
Bose Audio - 112 673
Bru Coffee Vending Machines - 1800
4 7171
Daikin Air Conditioners - 1800 444
DishTV - 1800 123 474
Faber Chimneys - 1800 214 595
Godrej - 1800 225 511
Grundfos Pumps - 1800 334 555
LG - 1901 180 9999
Philips - 1800 224 422
Samsung - 1800 113 444
Sanyo - 1800 110 101
Voltas - 1800 334 546
WorldSpace Satellite Radio - 1800
445 432

Investments / Finance
CAMS - 1800 442 267
Chola Mutual Fund - 1800 222 300
Easy IPO's - 3030 5757
Fidelity Investments - 1800 180
Franklin Templeton Fund - 1800 425
J M Morgan Stanley - 1800 220 004
Kotak Mutual Fund - 1800 222 626
LIC Housing Finance - 1800 440 005
SBI Mutual Fund - 1800 223 040
Sharekhan - 1800 227 500
Tata Mutual Fund - 1800 220 101

Leisure Travels
Club Mahindra Holidays - 1800 334
Cox & Kings - 1800 221 235
God TV Tours - 1800 442 777
Kerala Tourism - 1800 444 747
Kumarakom Lake Resort - 1800 445
Darjeeling tours -09733306673
Raj Travels & Tours - 1800 229 900y
Sita Tours - 1800 111 911
SOTC Tours - 1800 223 344

Best on Health - 1800 11 8899
Dr Batras - 1800 11 6767
GlaxoSmithKline - 1800 22 8797
Johnson & Johnson - 1800 22 8111
Kaya Skin Clinic - 1800 22 5292
LifeCell - 1800 44 5323
Manmar Technologies - 1800 33
Pfizer - 1800 442 442
Roche Accu-Chek - 1800 11 45 46
Rudraksha - 1800 21 4708

AMP Sanmar - 1800 44 2200
Aviva - 1800 33 2244
Bajaj Allianz - 1800 22 5858
Chola MS General Insurance - 1800
44 5544

all dth dish no.
airtel- 18001028080
(airtel user- 12150)
tatasky- 18001806633,
reliance- 18002009001,
d2h -18001370111,
dishtv- 18001801....


1. Life isn’t fair, but it’s still good.
2. When in doubt, just take the next small step.
3. Life is too short not to enjoy it.
4. Your job won’t take care of you when you are sick. Your friends and family will.
5. Don’t buy stuff you don’t need.
6. You don’t have to win every argument. Stay true to yourself.
7. Cry with someone. It’s more healing than crying alone.
8. It’s OK to get angry with God. He can take it.
9. Save for things that matter.
10. When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile.
11. Make peace with your past so it won’t screw up the present.
12. It’s OK to let your children see you cry.
13. Don’t compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
14. If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn’t be in it.
15. Everything can change in the blink of an eye… But don’t worry; God never blinks.
16. Take a deep breath. It calms the mind.
17. Get rid of anything that isn’t useful. Clutter weighs you down in many ways.
18. Whatever doesn’t kill you really does make you stronger.
19. It’s never too late to be happy. But it’s all up to you and no one else.
20. When it comes to going after what you love in life, don’t take no for an answer.
21. Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie. Don’t save it for a special occasion. Today is special.
22. Overprepare, then go with the flow.
23. Be eccentric now. Don’t wait for old age to wear purple.
24. The most important sex organ is the brain.
25. No one is in charge of your happiness but you.
26. Frame every so-called disaster with these words, ‘In five years, will this matter?’
27. Always choose Life.
28. Forgive but don’t forget.
29. What other people think of you is none of your business.
30. Time heals almost everything. Give Time time.
31. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
32. Don’t take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
33. Believe in miracles.
34. God loves you because of who God is, not because of anything you did or didn’t do.
35. Don’t audit life. Show up and make the most of it now.
36. Growing old beats the alternative — dying young.
37. Your children get only one childhood.
38. All that truly matters in the end is that you loved.
39. Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting everywhere.
40. If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else’s, we’d
grab ours back.
41. Envy is a waste of time. Accept what you already have, not what you think you need.
42. The best is yet to come…
43. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.
44. Yield.
45. Life isn’t tied with a bow, but it’s still a gift.

Some Useful Kitchen tips....

1) Soak the Almonds in the Water for 10-15 minutes , Now we Can Remove the Skin of Almond Easily

2)Add some Boiled rice with the Wheat Gram and Rice when Grinding.This gives you a Soft Dosas

3)Applying Lemon juice for the cut in the Apple for Browning.This helps in Keeping Apple fresh For a long time.

4)Garlic skin can be Easily peeled, when it is Slightly Warmed up Before Peeling

5)Add a pinch of Corn flour to Jar of Salt which Prevents it from Getting Damp

6)Applying oil in the sides of the vessel which we use to Boil milk will avoid the Overflowing

7)To avoid Crying in chopping Onions, cut them into two pieces and keep them in Water for 15 minutes and chop.

8)Adding a pinch of turmeric powder to the Oil in the cooking before the addition of Green Vegetables.It will retain the Greenness more even after cooking

9)Wrap the Paneer in Blotting Paper and keep in Refrigerator for Keeping fresh for So many Days

10)Keep the Green Peas in the Polythene Bag and Place in the freezer for Freshness

11)Place Tomatoes in the Water for 10 minutes, it makes it to easily peel them off and gives good taste in the cooking too

12)Tamarind is an Excellent Polisher in Copper and Brass items.Rub the desired shining part with wet slab tamarind and some salt sprinkled on it will give you total new look

13)Burn a Small grain of Asafoetida over the Burning coal and invert the empty pickle jar for some times before putting the pickles will avoid the growth of Fungi in Pickles

Vinegar & Baking Soda to freshen up towel

Saving your towels is as simple as running them through two hot loads.

1. Wash your towels with hot water and 1 cup of white vinegar, (Skip the detergent or fabric softeners on both loads).

2. Run the towels for the second time with 1/2 cup baking soda and hot water, (again, no detergent or fabric softener).

3. Dry your towels on the hottest setting until thoroughly dry. You can also hang them outside in the sun for additional freshening.

You won't believe the build up from detergent and fabric softener that actually makes your towels LESS fluffy and fresh over time.
They smell great, and as a bonus they’re also much softer!

15 Uses of the Tooth Paste that you Never Know

Beauty Uses

Toothpaste contains many useful ingredients that can be soothing and healing to the skin. For this reason, you'll be able to use toothpaste to help you with the following issues:

1) Pimples. Reduce redness and the size of your pimples with a dab of toothpaste. Let it sit overnight, then rinse away in the morning for a noticeable difference.

2) Brittle fingernails. Since our nails are made of the same enamel as teeth, toothpaste can do a lot to help them. Simply give your nails a good scrub with some toothpaste for cleaner, shinier, stronger nails. You'll also get that dirt out from underneath them in no time!

3) Fly-away hair. A gel toothpaste is largely made with the same ingredients as basic hair gels, so you'll be able to substitute easily here. Just use a little dab and apply like a hair gel when needed.

First Aid Uses

Beyond beauty care, you'll also find helpful ways to use toothpaste in that first aid kit. Keep a small tube tucked inside your kit for these emergencies:

4) Bites, sores, and blisters. Apply toothpaste to areas of skin irritation to reduce itching, swelling, and irritation. Toothpaste will dry them up quickly and help them heal faster.

5) Burns. For minor burns with no open sores, a quick toothpaste application can give you instant relief. The cooling properties get to work right away, relieving that painful sting. In the long-term, toothpaste will keep the burn from becoming a painful, oozing blister.

6) Bruises. For large bruises that take forever to fade, use a little toothpaste and a wide-tooth comb. Apply the toothpaste and gently comb the bruise in one direction to break up the blood clotting beneath the skin. Toothpaste helps with circulation and fights off the inflammation.

Fashion Uses

Our clothing and accessories can also benefit from many of the ingredients found in the average tube of toothpaste. Give these a try:

7) Jewelry cleaner. Before you pay for someone else to clean it, rub toothpaste onto your silver jewelry and leave it overnight, the wipe it clean with a soft cloth. Give a light scrubbing to your diamonds to see them sparkle again, just be sure to rinse thoroughly. Avoid using toothpaste on pearls.

8) Show care. Scuffed or dirty shoes can look new again with a little toothpaste. Apply it directly to the dull, dirty, or scuffed parts of the shoe, scrub with a brush, and wipe them clean. Ta-da!

9) Clothing stains. Tough stains will disappear with a little toothpaste and some brisk scrubbing. Squeeze it right on the stain and rub until it disappears, then wash as normal. If using whitening toothpaste, be advised that this can have a bleaching effect on some colors and fabrics.

Household uses : Toothpaste can save you money around the house by helping with some very basic tasks:

10) Computer cleaner. Scrub away fingerprints from your keyboard with a white, baking soda-based toothpaste. Follow up with a damp cloth and your keys are good as new!

11) Iron cleaner. Take away the "crusties" from the bottom of your clothes iron with a quick toothpaste rinse. Just be sure to remove all the toothpaste before you start ironing again.

12) Baby bottles. To freshen up baby bottles and remove that sour-milk smell, put some toothpaste on your bottle scrubber and give them a quick wash. Always rinse them very well afterwards.

13) Piano keys. Like computer keys, piano keys get grubby with repeated use from the dirt, oil, and grime on our fingertips. Use a damp cloth and some toothpaste to rub down the keys, then wipe them clean with a dry cloth.

14) Crayon stains. Undo your kids' damage to the walls with a damp cloth and some toothpaste. Rub it in gentle circles and watch the crayon fade away.

15) Odor removal. After cooking with "stinky" foods in the kitchen (fish, garlic, onions, etc.), getting the smell out of the skin is a challenge. Wash your hands thoroughly with water and toothpaste for a quick and easy remedy.