Monday, June 10, 2013

We humans spend a third of our lives asleep, but despite spending so much time sleeping, it’s something most people know very little about. Even the best sleep experts know relatively little about sleep compared to other areas of science because it’s such a young field of study.

Despite sleep being a relativity new area of research, our understanding of this mysterious state of consciousnesses has come in leaps and bounds over the past few decades, and to this day sleep remains a hot topic of research.

Here’s a quick rundown of 16 little known facts about sleep

How Alcohol attacks the Brain

If Bacteria DONT eat it.why should YOU??

This kind of makes you think twice about eating fast food packed with preservatives. Basically the saying goes

* The longer the shelf-life the worse it is for you.

Obviously some natural foods can keep for long periods of time like coconuts

- But things like candy and the above picture of fast food along with so many other “treats” need to be preserved so they can be shipped and sat on shelves for longer periods thus increasing profit.

This is NOT about health. It’s about profit. That’s all. 

The share holders on wallstreet need to make more and more each year or the company is deemed a failure. Profits before people. And that must change.