Monday, April 21, 2014



Ants Problem:
Ants hate Cucumbers. "KEEP the skin of Cucumbers near the
Place where they are or at Ant Hole.

To Get Pure & Clean Ice :
"Boil Water first before placing in the Freezer"

To make the Mirror Shine:
"Clean with Sprite"

To remove Chewing Gum from Clothes:
"Keep the Cloth in the Freezer for One Hour"

To Whiten White Clothes:
"Soak White Clothes in hot water with a Slice of Lemon for 10 Minutes"

To give a Shine to your Hair:
"Add one Teaspoon of Vinegar to Hair, then wash Hair"

To get maximum Juice out of Lemons:
"Soak Lemons in Hot Water for One Hour, and then juice them"

To avoid smell of Cabbage while cooking:
"Keep a piece of Bread on the Cabbage in the Vessel while cooking"

To avoid Tears while cutting Onions
"Chew Gum"

To boil Potatoes quickly:
"Skin one Potato from one side only before boiling"

To remove Ink from Clothes:
"Put Toothpaste on the Ink Spots generously and let it dry completely, then wash"

To skin Sweet Potatoes quickly :
"Soak in Cold Water immediately after boiling"

To get rid of Mice or Rats:
"Sprinkle Black Pepper in places where you find Mice & Rats. They will run away"

Take Water Before Bedtime..
"About 90% of Heart Attacks occur Early in the Morning & it can
be reduced if one takes a Glass or two of Water before going
to bed at Night"

We Know Water is important but never knew about the Special Times one has to drink it.. !!
Did you ???
Drinking Water at the Right Time Maximizes its effectiveness on the
Human Body;
1 Glass of Water after waking up - helps to activate internal
1 Glass of Water 30 Minutes before a Meal - helps digestion..
1 Glass of Water before taking a Bath - helps lower your blood
1 Glass of Water before going to Bed - avoids Stroke or Heart
Chinese Proverb Says:
'When someone shares something of value with you and
you benefit from it, You have a moral obligation to share it
with others too.'

Right Way of drinking water

As per Ayurveda, drinking water at the end of a meal is akin to drinking poison. It kills the Jathaaragni (that aspect of prana or energy which enables the body to digest food) thereby making the food rot inside the system instead of getting digested. This in turn leads to excess acid and gas being produced in the system and a very vicious cycle starts. 

1.The minimum gap between food and water should be between 1.5 to 2.5 hrs. This also varies based on geographic and other conditions and the duration is higher in the mountains and lower in plains and hot areas. This is because the body’s ability to digest food varies with the ambient conditions.

2.Water drunk before food should be drunk at least 40 minutes before eating food.

3.To clean the mouth and throat after food only one or two sips of warm/gunguna water can be taken.

4.If really thirsty, one can have fresh juice of seasonal fruits after morning meal and buttermilk/chhaas after lunch. Milk can be had after dinner. Though these also contain mostly water, the properties are completely different and they actually help digestion and the body instead of hurting it.

5.Always drink water sip by sip like one drinks hot tea.

6.Drink water first thing in the morning. It is to be consumed warm at body temp and should be sipped like hot tea so that max possible saliva goes into the stomach. Only if you are drinking water kept in a copper pot it need not be warmed up as it already has same quality as warm water. Mud pot water is also to be warmed up. Below 18 and above 60 years of age should drink only 1.5 to 2 glasses while others should drink upto 1.25 ltrs. i.e. min 3 glasses. This is the only water one should drink without feeling thirsty. Sips should be smallest. Try this for 6 months and see the changes in health. You will feel fresher and lighter, and will see improvements in sleep, digestion, pains, heart.

7.In case you are regularly taking in water kept in copper pot then you should stop for a couple of weeks after 3 months of continuous usage.

8.Never drink cold water. It should always be Warm/gunguna or at body temp. Drinking cold water leads to decrease in blood supply to various organs. Over a period of time this leads to the weakening and hence failure of various organs and causes probs like heart attack, kidney failure, brain hemorrhage etc. Drinking chilled water leads to severe constipation. Large intestine shrinks causing various other complications. This is applicable to other cold foods as well.